Benefits of Blogging for Small Businesses

Benefits of Blogging for Small Businesses

Let’s learn the Benefits of Blogging for Small Businesses. With the rise of podcasts, Youtube, Instagram, and other newer forms of digital media – you might be wondering if anybody still reads blogs.

As a small business owner, maybe you question if it’s worth your time and effort to maintain a business blog.

In short, the answer is yes.

The Benefits of Blogging for Small Businesses is an effective marketing tactic that should be a part of almost any company’s digital strategy.

Let’s look at some of the ways that blogging can benefit your small business.

Benefits of Blogging for Small Businesses: Drive Search Engine Traffic

Think about the options you have available to get traffic to your website.

  • Someone actually types your website address into the search bar
  • Paid advertising
  • Email marketing
  • Social media
  • Search engines

Hopefully, you’re receiving traffic from each of these sources, but let’s focus on the last option as it relates to blogging.

The more content there is on your website, the more opportunities you’ll have to rank for various keywords on search engines.

If your company sells sweaters for cats, you can fill your website with blog articles on everything about cats.  Here are a few examples of topics you could cover:

  • Why is my cat always biting me?
  • How to train my cat to stop biting me?
  • How do I give my cat up for adoption?

When people undoubtedly go to Google to search for these topics, your website will appear with helpful information bringing new visitors to your site. This is one of the Benefits of Blogging for Small Businesses.

Not only will your website show up in search results for “sweaters for cats,” but it will also appear for any topics that you write about.  If you want to catch a lot of fish, it’s better to cast a wide net rather than try to use a single pole.

At the same time, Google and other search engines favor a website that is consistently updated with fresh content.  Basically, the more active you are in adding content to your website, the higher your website will rank in search results.

Benefits of Blogging for Small Businesses: Create Shareable Content

Aside from search engines, social media is another primary channel that can drive traffic to your website.

Every time you create a piece of content for your blog, you create an opportunity for that content to be shared on social media.  The more engagement you have on social media, the more traffic you’ll get to your website.

Understand your audience, and then create content that will resonate with them.

If you can create truly engaging content, your audience will do free marketing work for you, and share that content across social media. More Benefits of Blogging for Small Businesses.

Benefits of Blogging for Small Businesses: Establish Authority

Having a blog provides a platform for you to communicate with your audience.  No matter how big or small your business is, you can provide valuable, expert information to your readers.

As your blog grows, you’ll build trust and become the go-to expert in your industry.

As you probably know, emotions are a primary factor in marketing and sales, and the more your audience trusts you as an authority, the more likely they are to do business with you.

Develop Relationships and Create Leads

In addition to building authority, having a business blog allows you to develop a relationship with your audience in a non-transactional manner.

This is a great opportunity to expand your brand, get your message across, and engage with potential customers.  A visitor might not be ready to make a purchase from you, but they may be interested in what you have to say.

A blog will get visitors to spend more time on your site and get them thinking about your business. When the times comes to do business, they’ll think of you first.

The Gift That Keeps On Giving

The Lord of the Rings books were originally published in the 1950s.  Over half a century later, people are still buying those books, and the original writings are still making money.

Blogging works in a similar manner.

While certain topics will be rendered irrelevant with the change of times, it is possible to create evergreen content or content that is always relevant.

As long as people have cats as pets, people will be searching for and reading about how to train them.

A single piece of content that you write today can drive traffic and sales for you next week, next month, next year, and so on. Now you know the Benefits of Blogging for Small Businesses.

Contact Us to learn how we can help you to achieve your business goals.  Or, learn more about our services today.